Beyond Biotech - the podcast from Labiotech
Welcome to the official Labiotech.eu podcast - Beyond Biotech! Each week, we talk about what's happening in the world of biotech, with news and interviews with experts from companies around the world. Join us as we cover the latest news, breakthroughs and innovations shaping the life sciences industry.A new podcast episode is available every Friday. The host is Dylan Kissane.
Beyond Biotech - the podcast from Labiotech
Are mitochondrial therapeutics about to go mainstream?
Mitochondria are famously the powerhouse of the cell, but will mitochondrial therapeutics power the next big mainstream medical breakthrough?
Klaus Dugi is CEO of Vandria, a biotech that develops mitophagy inducers that rejuvenate cells to treat age-related and chronic diseases. He joins 'Beyond Biotech' to talk cell mitophagy, biotech agility, and innovation in tackling neurodegenerative disease.
00:42 Introducing Klaus Dugi
02:51 Lessons learned in top pharma
05:10 The gap that Vandria seeks to fill
06:21 Mitochondrial therapeutics
07:45 Mitophagy inducers and how they work
14:53 Comparing approaches to treating neurodegenerative diseases
17:20 Aging, longevity, and healthy life years
25:26 Challenges ahead
27:31 Performance enhancement and resilience
31:15 Towards the mainstream?
34:35 Looking forward for Vandria
36:02 Developments to watch out for in mitochondrial therapeutics
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