Beyond Biotech - the podcast from Labiotech
Welcome to the official Labiotech.eu podcast - Beyond Biotech! Each week, we talk about what's happening in the world of biotech, with news and interviews with experts from companies around the world. Join us as we cover the latest news, breakthroughs and innovations shaping the life sciences industry.A new podcast episode is available every Friday. The host is Dylan Kissane.
Beyond Biotech - the podcast from Labiotech
Fighting Alzheimer's with innovative stem cell therapies
Regeneration Biomedical has developed a new technique to address neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's using stem cell therapy.
Dr. Christopher Duma, has long been an innovator in neurosurgery using a gamma knife radiosurgery to treat glioblastoma. Now with Regeneration Biomedical, Duma is taking on neurodegenerative diseases with a first-in-human clinical trial where a patient's own stem cells are injected directly into their brain.
On the podcast this week, we talk with Duma about his career in neurosurgery, the impetus for launching his biotech, the promise of stem cell therapy, and the challenges innovators face moving new therapies through the clinic.
00:38 Introducing Dr Christopher Duma
02:44 Advances and breakthroughs in neurosurgery
05:33 The vision and impetus for Regeneration Biomedical
10:45 Regeneration Biomedical’s R&D pipeline
14:12 Milestones ahead
14:46 Advancing beyond Alzheimer’s Disease
15:52 Stems cells from fat cells
19:42 Bypassing the blood-brain barrier
22:45 Patient recruitment
24:13 The treatment process
27:10 The state of stem cell research in the US
29:29 The challenge of financing innovative research
32:15 Global stem cell research landscape
33:14 Controversy in stem cell research
34:00 Future horizons for Regeneration Biomedical
37:23 Partnering with top pharma companies
37:48 Advice for researchers and entrepreneurs
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