Beyond Biotech - the podcast from Labiotech
Welcome to the official Labiotech.eu podcast - Beyond Biotech! Each week, we talk about what's happening in the world of biotech, with news and interviews with experts from companies around the world. Join us as we cover the latest news, breakthroughs and innovations shaping the life sciences industry.A new podcast episode is available every Friday. The host is Dylan Kissane.
Beyond Biotech - the podcast from Labiotech
Could natural killer cells transform Alzheimer’s treatment?
A US company, with its origins in South Korea, is using natural killer (NK) cells to treat Alzheimer’s disease, with remarkable results.
This week, we have a conversation with Dr Paul Song, CEO of NKGen Biotech, a company with its sights set on changing the Alzheimer’s treatment landscape.
00:58-02:55: About NKGen Biotech
02:56-05:39: Why is Alzheimer’s so challenging to treat?
05:39-07:28: Are there other treatments making a difference?
07:28-13:47: What is NKGen Biotech’s approach to treating Alzheimer’s?
13:47-15:38: Can you treat multiple conditions at the same time?
15:38-15:55: Are there any side effects?
15:55-16:33: What dose are you able to give?
16:33-18:31: How can you keep the cost of treatments low?
18:31-19:19: How, and how often, will it be administered?
19:19-20:49: How are you approaching taking on later stage Alzheimer’s?
20:49-22:21: Are you looking to cure Alzheimer’s?
22:21-23:50: Can this approach be used for other diseases?
23:50-24:47: Are you looking for partnerships?
24:47-25:47: What stage are your trials at?
25:47-26-19: What are the next steps for NKGen Biotech?
26:19-26:35: How are you enrolling patients?
26:35-27:32: What is your approximate timeline?
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