Beyond Biotech - the podcast from Labiotech

Beyond Biotech podcast 68 – rejuvenation with stem cells

October 20, 2023 Labiotech

This week, our guest on the podcast is Mark Kotter, founder of newly-created company, a sister company to, which Kotter also founded and is the CEO of, aims to extend and improve quality of life by reversing the harmful effects of time in our cells, harnessing the regenerative capabilities of human pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs).

These hiPSCs have the ability not only to stay young but also to rejuvenate when forced to age.’s approach is to harness this power of ‘resetting the clock’ in hiPSCs to identify new approaches to treating age-related diseases. It has developed an aging model that ‘force ages’ hiPSCs and triggers their self-rejuvenation mechanism. Unbiased CRISPR screens on large samples of these cells allows for the identification of gene candidates that are causally relevant for cell rejuvenation.

This enables a decoding of rejuvenation biology and corresponding IP; the resulting knowledge will be used to create novel treatment approaches.

The company’s mission is to extend health span by 20 years based on biomarkers of aging in a phase 3 trial by the end of this decade. recently published a white paper for rejuvenation therapies and a blueprint for